Robert rotates in lab

We are excited to have Robert rotating in our lab for GMB Rotation 1! He’s already learning how to perform polytene chromosome squashes ;)

Farewell to Gwyn and Edgar!

We are excited that Gwyn is moving up to a position in the Biology Dept as Facilities Planning Coordinator, and Edgar has committed to Emory EMT training! They will do great things!

SURE 2022 wraps up

Eric and Edgar presented their summer research at the SURE 2022 symposium!

Lauren to talk about CURE at freeBREWMOR meeting

Lauren will discuss the CURE that she ran during Casey’s genetics class at the 2022 Bridging Research and Education with Model Organisms (BREWMOR) meeting.

This free meeting will take place virtually on Monday, July 25, from 1–5 p.m. EST and is intended for anyone interested in incorporating hands-on research including model organisms into the undergraduate classroom.


Mellisa and Greg graduate, fly the nest!

Mellisa graduated from Emory with highest Biology honors! She will attend medical school at University of Oklahoma College of Medicine in the fall!

Greg graduated from Emory and will attend Princeton for graduate school in the fall!

Posters at DRC 2022

We have several posters at DRC 2022!

In person:

Reserach technician Pamela Diaz, poster 507B: In vitro identification of critical cis elements in the embryonic Drosophila histone locus


Grad student Lauren Hodkinson, poster 517V: Determinants of transcription factor function

Grad student Tommy O’Haren, poster 478C: Developmental regulation of histone genes by pioneer factor Zelda

Undergrad student Eric Albanese, poster 521V: It's *abo*ut time: an investigation into the role of abnormal oocyte (abo) in embryonic histone gene regulation

Undergrad student Greg Kimmerer, poster 477B: Initiating and Maintaining the Histone Locus Body: Two Sides of the Same Coin?

Eric and edgar awarded summer fellowships

Eric and Edgar were awarded Emory Summer Undergraduate Reserach Experience (SURE) fellowships for their upcoming summer research! Congrats Eric and Edgar!